Friday 15 March 2013

Question: what is the well dressed pakistani woman wearing? straight shirts and shilwars like the old FM? the higher front hemline and u-shaped hems like the chairman parliamentary committee? sleeveless like the models of the new lawns in today's newspaper? straight or bell trousers or tight pyjamas? gowns or short shirts? Its a jungle out there!!! I shall stick or nearly long shirts with straight pants and fail on all accounts, miserably...hurrah!!! what a mess... and who wants to wear Pharaohs on shirts, plain white Egyptian cotton would have made more sense... but who would listen to me?

12:29 (a.m. may I add) and I am very very sleepy! The party last night was a) boring and b) which often goes with boring , unduly who serves dinner at 9:30 unless its me having dinner in my bed watching movie, other then that one cannot be expected to think clearly and act soberly after one hour of reception type wait, one hour of speeches and very dull ones for that matter, and dinner at , at the expense of repetition, at 9:30 !

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