Thursday 21 March 2013

Industrial Exhibition

I have forgotten what place it was where mt first memory of industrial exhibition was. Contrary to what my family might think, I remember my grandmother very vividly during the shopping; I remember my khala too, on another occasion (She is now in America for the last 20 years). What I know is, that it was the place to go to shop...and then it was no more.

After that I remember the Shakarparyain venue too, though it was dust primarily. I remember my last trip there when I was looking around to buy a pack of threads from ASLI PARI , they used to sell one in assorted colours; however they were nopt around. I successfully applied for nearly three credit cards and received them all, (I used to be more credible then ).

This time it would be a new venue... the Pak-China friendship centre..And I look forward going there;

On my first visit with my grandmother, I had bought a few pack of kitchen toys, this time I need a few real ones... The major difference however is that I was more interested in cooking a quarter century ago...Now it is a chore. I shall not be beaming with joy when I buy a pan this time...odd!

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